Monday, April 27, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

On the Spot: Airline Fees Are Getting Out of Control

Is Andy Warhol Dead or Alive ??? Lane’s comment post on

  Shepard Fairey’s Barack Obama “Hope” poster became the focus of Some design critics and practitioners had already questioned the street artist’s habit of “sampling” existing imagery. For me this is  Pop Art Poster, an art form based in the power of 
popular images
, derived from the commercial and mass media sources that permeate modern American society. By elevating the banal to the status of Art, the viewer is challenged to reconsider the nature of society and its values. Pop artists have focused attention upon familiar images of the popular culture such as billboards, comic strips, magazine advertisements, and supermarket products. Pop Art helped change the way the world defined art.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day 2009 - Save the Planet!

Understanding Obama's Mysterious Smile

What is behind the Barak Obama Smile? Is Obama's smile a secret weapon? Or is it because Administration seeks balance between protecting taxpayer funds and preventing collapse of financial system? What's he smiling about?

Save the Planet - Will Rising Incomes Help the Environment or Endanger the Planet?

The nation’s affluence and advanced technology for the planet were featured in a famous equation  equation: I=PAT, which means that environmental impact is equal to population multiplied by affluence multiplied by technology developed by the ecologist Paul Ehrlich and the physicist John P. Holdren, who is now President Obama’s science adviser. Protecting the planet seemed to require fewer people, less wealth and simpler technology…   In my point of view, the  solution: to eliminate  irrational advanced technology, which seem so obviously bad for the planet…  

Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama Defends Greeting Hugo Chavez

The president says Americans want him to interact with foreign leaders
 and that the U.S. has nothing to fear from Venezuela.

Lane Painting - Reflection

Oil on canvas. Size 54 x54 inches

Lane Painting - Red and Blue

Acrylic on canvas. Size: 32 x32 inches

Lane Painting - Freedom

Acrylic on wood. Size 36 x 48 inches

There are only two kinds of freedom in the world; the freedom of the rich and powerful, and the freedom of the artist and the monk who renounces possessions.

~Anais Nin

Freedom II - Speedy

Acrylic on wood. Size 32 x32 inches

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Metamorphosis - Lane's Cartoon on the 10th PortoCartoon World Festival - Portugal 2008

It was with great satisfaction I have participated in the event. The theme was Human Rights, considering the theme proposed, I would like to point out the article 19 – “everyone has the right to freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”. Cartoon and caricature, in some ways, is one of the most effective ways of communication. Humor penetrates immediately into collective consciousness and leaves a very strong impression. I think, like Philosophy, humor pursues this ideal systematically: an ideal world.

Guiding Light - Lane's Cartoon on the 10th Porto Cartoon World Festival - Portugal 2008

The Last Bird - Lane's Cartoon on the IV PortoCartoon World Festival - Portugal 2002


Thursday, April 16, 2009

HIGH ON THE BLOG:Lane's blog on the

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What effect is the economy having on your life and work as an artist, writer, actor, or musician? Tell us your story by commenting below or by e-mailing us

What effect is the economy having on my life and work as an artist? I am a brazilian cartoonist and the crisis made me give up on my second million dollar, since the first I could not.


— Rock Lane

Hard Worker Woody Wood Pecker

This illustration  was made for a children's book, which 
never finished. It can be seen on the web, thanks to All Time Open Cartoon Contest (from 2004)

World Awaits Obama

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Prisoner of War

Another Victim of Our Irrational War: the humour.If Peace can be defined simply as the absence of war in its different forms  thus, the war is mindless “tough-on-crime” hysteria, an increasingly irrational “drug war.” 


World x Oil

Cartoon Theme Global Warm II

Cartoon Theme Global Warm